Would You Like To Win Another Award?

Looking at the awards across our industry over the last four years, we can’t help but notice that projects that have won these awards have benefitted from lighting control.
If we look at the Lighting Design Awards, the Lux Awards, and the RIBA awards between 2010 to 2019, Control Lighting Ltd were involved in many of the winning projects.
In particular, the awards for: the Workplace Project, the Heritage Project, the International Exterior Project, the South East Project, and the Urban Lighting Project, all involved lighting control solutions from Control Lighting Ltd.
We congratulate the winning designers and thank them for involving us in their projects.
We are also delighted by the sheer variety of projects where lighting control made a significant impact – it is clear that lighting control is not just for the larger projects!
Our Recents Projects page shows the huge variety of different type of projects that we undertake. In a nutshell, at Control Lighting Ltd, we help lighting designers achieve their vision.