Lighting The Royal Chambers

Royal Chambers in Guernsey is a truly state of the art office development. Boasting 6 storeys with 60,000 square foot and enticing clients as renowned as Ernst & Young LLP, it is an impressive addition to St Peter Port’s skyline.
Constructed from the finest materials, including Impala black polished granite and Jura limestone, it was absolutely essential that the lighting both inside and out adhered to the highest standards.
Control Lighting Ltd was invited to deliver the lighting control solution. We commissioned the entire system and had to integrate a number of different manufacturers’ products and protocols.
For example, we provided the control systems for the conventional white lighting throughout the building, but also we integrated an imaginative elevator entrance lighting scheme where decorative LEDs create artistic movement throughout the Atrium lifts area.
Our clients were delighted that we could provide one solution, from one company, at one cost, for the commissioning of the whole building and have invited us to work with them on other related projects.