Are You Getting The Most Out Of Your Venue?

Looking at the picture, you may assume that this venue is simply an auditorium. You are correct.
However, from a lighting control perspective, this venue should be looked at in terms of all of the different potential purposes of the space.
For example: As a lecture hall, it should be easy for any guest speaker to light the movable lecterns, dim the audience lights, and operate any overhead projectors, slides or computer equipment.
For video conferencing, the audience needs to be lit correctly to broadcast their involvement.
The lighting control should also facilitate external business conferences, commercial product launches, award ceremonies, formal lectures, interactive seminars, and even classical concerts and student rock bands!
There also needs to be a one touch switch for staff to turn on the main lights for cleaning the venue.
Control Lighting Ltd are very experienced with venue lighting, having worked for major city institutions, from banks to pharmaceutical companies, and recently completed projects for Oxford University.